Ant-Shell headshot

< Anthony Shellman
Front-End Developer />

About Me

Felicia Buitenwerf You Are Enough

“Take a chance on yourself”.

These were the words that went through my mind, while making the career decision to pivot into Frontend Engineering.

This is not the first time I have taken a new path in life. After working in retail and customer service, I went back to school as an adult and obtained my degree in Computer Information systems. I then went on to be a Systems Administrator for nearly a decade. However, once again listening to my inner voice and attending the Turing School of Software & Design led me on my current journey - in which I am grateful.

As a Software Developer, I enjoy collaborating to take a project from idea to reality, and the process of building new applications has helped me gain a new perspective on life itself. Success happens through research, planning, execution, failure and iteration. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn from ourselves and others.

We are all capable of doing great things - sometimes we just need to take a chance.




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